Did you know if you are arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Texas, your license could be automatically suspended within two months even if you are not charged with DWI? This automatic suspension can be avoided.  Here’s how …

The automatic suspension can be avoided if you (or your attorney) request an Administrative License Revocation Hearing (ALR). However, there is an issue. The problem is that the request must be made within 15 days of your receipt of a document entitled “Notice of Suspension/Temporary Driving Permit,” also known as the DIC-25.

Seems straight forward, right? Think again. For some reason, “receipt” of the DIC-25 can be difficult, which makes a timely request for an ALR hearing complicated. Here are three different scenarios. Now, which examples would be considered “receipt” of the DIC-25?

Example 1: You are released from Jail and physically given the DIC-25.

Example 2: You receive an envelope in the mail at your residence in Dallas from the Texas Department of Public Safety. You never open the envelope. The envelope contains the DIC-25.

Example 3: You did not update your driver’s license address after you moved from Plano to Dallas. An envelope from the Texas Department of Public Safety was delivered to your old residence in Plano. The envelope contains the DIC-25.

If you answered all of the above, you are correct. The complications arise because you could be in receipt of the DIC-25 and not even know it.  This is because receipt of the DIC-25 is presumed on the fifth day after it is mailed to you, even if it was mailed to the wrong address.

At The Harris Firm, we understand the complexities involved with a DWI and how important a valid driver’s license is in a city like Dallas. We are standing by and ready to assist you in navigating and fighting for your rights throughout the DWI process.  Let Harris Handle It!

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