Anyone who works in the legal profession knows they’re the punch line of many a joke.  So why should you hire an attorney?

All jokes aside, most people are intimidated by the law.  There are confusing rules, statutes and laws on the books – not to mention the language of the law!  Those who are wronged may never do anything about it because they’re overwhelmed by the legal process.

Good legal representation may not always be cheap, but it can help you defend yourself in bad situations – a car accident, messy divorce, employment dispute, and broken contracts – just to name a few.

Here are some of the top reasons to hire a lawyer:

  1. You may be able to avoid problems altogether. By investing money in an attorney upfront, you may be able to avoid potential pitfalls down the road. Are you really getting the best settlement offer? Do you really understand the language of the contract you’re signing? Does the contract have all of the provisions you want and need? You may not be able to definitively answer those questions, but your attorney can provide sound advice on a number of issues.
  2. Attorneys understand legal procedure. Having an attorney will help ensure that you meet all the deadlines and adhere to the proper protocol when filing and pursuing a case in court. One late or incorrect filing could result in a delay of your case, or even your case being dismissed.
  3. Attorneys have connections. Attorneys have a broader, extensive network of professionals that can assist with their clients’ cases. They have access to experts who can help with discovery, challenging evidence, or providing testimony at trial, which can strengthen and legitimize your case.
  4. The other party has an attorney. Attorneys are well-versed in the law, procedure, and technical aspects of legal procedure. They can take advantage of the inequity that exists between them and you if you do not have representation. Don’t put yourself at a huge disadvantage and go it alone.

Most attorneys, including the Harris Firm, provide a free initial consultation. Take advantage of this. It can help you evaluate your case (or situation) and make a better, more informed decision about whether hiring a lawyer is the way to go. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance. Let Harris Handle It!

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