Glenford Turner, an Army veteran who lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, suffered from dizziness and severe abdominal pain for almost four years after a surgical procedure.
It began in 2013, when Turner went to the Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in West Haven, CT, for surgery. Following nearly four years of severe abdominal pain, Turner went back to the VA where an X-ray showed a scalpel had been left inside his body.
Turner is now suing the VA hospital in U.S. District Court. In addition, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D) has requested a detailed report regarding this incident from the VA hospital.
There is no doubt that those in the medical profession serve millions of people every year, and do an exemplary job. However, there are times when a medical procedure can lead to devastating consequences for the patient.
The Harris Firm pursues cases of negligence by a medical professional which have resulted in severe injury or death. If you or someone you know believe you have been injured by a medical professional’s negligence, please feel free to contact us for an appointment.

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