After spending three years in prison on drug charges, Jermaine Wilson not only turned his life around, he was elected by fellow city commissioners to serve as mayor of Leavenworth City, Kansas.

The inspirational story, reported by the Kansas City Star, actually began while Wilson was still in prison. In 2007, he made a vow that he was going to change his life. No more fast money, no more drugs. He would take classes while serving time, and once released, would get a job and begin a life of service. 

Wilson reached every goal he set for himself. He rejoined society, got married, started a landscape business, and served in his church’s community programs. Twelve years after he was sentenced to prison, he stood next to the Leavenworth County Attorney and a judge cleared his name and his record. At about the same time, he created a nonprofit called Unity in the Community. Oh, and in early January, he was elected mayor.

Obviously, there are criminal records that cannot be expunged – nor should they be. But in many instances, having a record expunged can mean the difference between a fresh start and a fruitful life, and one with limited options for housing and work.

While this story took place in Kansas, there are guidelines for record expunctions in Texas. The Harris Firm is now tackling this issue for those living in Dallas/Fort Worth. Could you use a second chance? Please contact our firm for more information.

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