We’ve all seen that driver that meanders across highway lanes as they talk on the phone or attempt to find their favorite song on iTunes. The person who sits at a green light while texting someone. The stories are varied, completely ridiculous and far too common.
Thankfully, a statewide ban on texting and driving will go into effect on September 1st. The ban makes it illegal for drivers to “read, write or send an electronic message while operating a motor vehicle unless the vehicle is stopped.”
A first offense will cost a violator a fine of $25 to $99.
In the meantime, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, 1 in 5 traffic accidents were caused by distracted driving. In 2016, there were more than 109,000 traffic crashes involving distracted driving. More than 3,000 people were seriously injured and 455 died.
While distracted driving includes things like eating, grooming and adjusting a radio, it also includes posting to social media, checking email, watching a video, and programming a navigation system.
The new law will not stop all distracted driving, but there’s hope it will help. Please, if you’re driving, focus on driving. The texts, emails and videos can wait.