Apartment complexes in North Texas are witnessing a perfect storm: home prices are at all-time highs, real estate inventory is low, and numerous companies are relocating their headquarters to our area. Now more than ever, apartments are an attractive option for new and established residents. But is your apartment complex safe?
People trying to find a place to live are likely going to focus on the location of the apartment, the price, the size, and some of the amenities. But you also need to be mindful of the amount of, and what kind of, criminal activity may have occurred at the apartment complex you are considering as a place for you and your family.
Have break-ins occurred? Any arrests for drug-related activity? Have any fires or floods taken place? Fact is, a landlord may not warn you about potential safety issues, so it’s time to do a little research of your own.
First, Google the exact address. From there, you can research any items that are listed. Have any deaths occurred at that address? There is a website that will provide this type of information for a fee. Finally, knock on a few doors and talk to current residents. Do they feel safe? Have they noticed any police activity? Some cities may have police departments who can direct you to a website that lists various locations of crimes in the neighborhood where the apartment complex is located.
Secondly, observe first-hand the security at the complex. Is it gated? Does it have a gate that is always open, or does it have a gate that can only be opened with a code box? Do the doors have dead bolts? Are there screens on every window and are the screens securely fastened? Is the complex fenced?
With the current real estate market, you may not feel you have many options when it comes to renting an apartment. However, it’s worth the time and effort to make sure your potential new home is safe and secure.
The Harris Firm has experienced attorneys who have pursued and won negligence claims against apartment complexes in the past. If you believe you may have such a claim, please call or message our office for a free conference with one of our attorneys.